There is nothing more wonderful, than what it feels like to be in the presence of such beauty, wisdom and grace.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Only on a Tuesday

"It all sucks, why can't people just be straight up it would be so much easier," he said. 
So my reply was simply "'cos people suck, well, gold coast people anyway."

Guys are ruthless hey its retarded...

You know girls can be ruthless to. What's wrong with society? I think when you are first getting to know someone, you should always have some kind of shield up, but not a ridiculous bullet proof one. 

Shields are so lame, I hate them, I understand what you mean about the shields thing, it's human.

You might think shields are lame, yet you can't always help your past experiences giving you a heads up for the future. I think you need a shield to an extent to protect yourself, unless u find a decent balance between letting go of yourself, and staying focused on looking after yourself to, if that makes sense. 

It's like what your saying about the shields even family's have shields up against each other ive always worn my heart on my sleeve though and even though it hurts ill keep at it cause its just the way I am. I'm not saying everyone should not have shields or they are bad, i just get frustrated that i cant find like-minded people. I wanna try and stay in that mind state you are when you first fall in love.

I don't wear my heart on my sleeve but I tell it how it is. I know that in family situations people have shields up because sometimes they get jealous of stupid trivial things about each other, or feel as though they need to prove something to their parents, themselves, or their siblings. 

As you can see we are so completely different from one another, because my mum never judged us or tried to make us be something we just weren't. She treated us as individuals because we are different people, and i think thats the biggest thing i am grateful for to my mum. Its okay to wear your heart on your sleeve because you are obviously not afraid of your emotions and feeling something, like human beings are supposed to. Sometimes people are so afraid of being hurt they bottle everything up, suppress it and don't share it with anyone, which tortures them from the inside out. Im not afraid of hurting or feeling the different array of emotions we humans are subjected to. I think feeling emotions is an experience itself and that we are lucky.

I think that's what i picked up on, the individual love she has for each of you. You're never just going on, your words are beyond your years. Communication is the key to life. 

Its not always easy to communicate how you feel, or why you feel a certain way about something. Aristotle saw emotion as an integral part of life. 

My favourite quote from Aristotle: "anyone can be angry that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree, and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and isn't easy"

Damn straight how can you know what it's like to be human if you don't bath in your own emotions? If you're depressed, cry out loud, if you're happy jump for joy, if you're angry scream out so the universe can hear you. 

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