There is nothing more wonderful, than what it feels like to be in the presence of such beauty, wisdom and grace.

Friday, July 5, 2013

"Stay AWAY from Jazz and Liquor"

"...and the men who play for fun" - Chicago.

After a fabulous pole fitness and dance class wednesday night i'm feeling a lot more motivated to sell all my dance costumes on Ebay and hand a bag over to one of my old dance teachers, and even more motivated to insist to my mother that I NEED to put my pole back up in the house (physiotherapists instructions, honest) and get back into pole fitness. Two days after my class I am really feeling it. When I cough or sneeze, I get a sharp muscular jolt in the sides of my obliques and deep in the bottom of my abs. My arms are absolutely killing. I couldn't even bowl properly yesterday, but surprisingly i couldn't do much... except the splits. Due to my weekly stretching I am more flexible than I thought i would be, but still a fair way to go to get back to where I was.

My juicing is going so well! I love my raw vegetable juices, and green juices taste so refreshingly good. I still eat food, but since a few gym sessions, I have really knuckled down on what i am consuming. Some days are easier than others, I just have to focus on food preparation, and not go grocery shopping whilst I am hungry.

I also like the way the little voice in my head doesn't have to do that if I don't want it to. Because. That. Is. Really. Annoying.

Although a lot of my own writing isn't up to grammatical scratch since I just write what i'm going to write, hit publish and i'm done with it. I do find posts such as the one above quite humorous.

I follow a page on Facebook called Grammarly and I find sheer delight in the quirky responses written by other followers to grammar humour. I'm a nerd huh? I'm sure my boyfriend doesn't understand why I think these things are so funny, but some of them literally make me laugh out loud. One post a few days ago stated "we're going to cut and paste kids. Commas matter." I thought this was so clever, and it seems commas truly save lives. If you don't get it, there is supposed to be a comma after paste;)

I even find literary puns to be amusing such as this one below:

English nerd humour #303

It's nice to feel a bit better this week than I have been feeling. My websites coming together slowly, but surely. Websites are a little tricky at times. I change a format and think i am doing the right thing and then lose a draft and somethings purple! I like how it is at the moment, but next week i am going to have to take a trip to Brisbane to sort it out a bit better. You can find it at

I have a job interview on Monday!!! A little nervous and definitely apprehensive but excited for something new and different. That's exactly why i started my website. It helps keep my mind busy whilst my boyfriends away. Scrapbookings great, yet i can't do that 24/7 and can get expensive. If i go to spotlight i need to leave my wallet at home, otherwise i'll just want to buy pretty much everything. Since i am jobless, i can't afford that. Somehow, i can talk myself into affording it, then i turn around and feel sorry for myself later. Nevertheless, now's the time i am sharing even more of my thoughts and ideas about the things i adore in life. 

I miss dancing and i think i'm going to give Burlesque classes a decent go. What the heck, its exciting, makes you feel good and theres a great group of girls that do it and that's what i need. To hang out a little more with more of my own kind. 

Until the stars fall,


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Today Is Your Day

Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. 
Arnold Schwarzenegger

What ever the rest of the week brings to you, be strong, smile and let your strength, your love, help you to a better day.

Good Afternoon everyone, I hope you are all well, cos' here's the touch down like a 747. 

There you are reading my blog again either on your desktop pc or smart phone and you're thinking, what is she on about now? Well, what am i talking about? 

Ever sit there and just think, "you know, today is a good day." This is how i'm feeling at this very moment and i decided to write a post to share what's been going on in the world of JP lately. Alas, it tis' raining once again on the Gold Coast. Tends to happen throughout our Winters, however, more so we get the summer storms. You know the perfect summer lovin' days from sunrise and then once schools out and it hits 3pm, its overcast and the lightning strikes. Its a sign!! Leave the kids at school. 

But seriously, i'm sitting here in an old pair of grey track pants with a bond university logo streamed down the side, socks on, a simple cream coloured knit and purple glasses. I have no make-up on and my hairs an absolute mess, yet, i've been quite the busy bee this morning. So busy, i forgot to fuel the engine with some petrol, AKA feed my body some nutritious breakfast, thus instead i woke up to an 8am message from a friend asking for a morning coffee date. I sighed, (it is freezing) and dragged myself out bed, stripped off and jumped into a searing hot shower. Ahhh, feels good doesn't it? Hot showers on a chilly gold coast 18 degree winter day! 

The worst thing, is being in the shower and once the waters off, you get the tiny bit of breeze hit you and you quickly make a grab for your towel (and it still hasn't dried properly from the night before. There's no other choice though, unless you are going to make a nudie run out to the cupboard and walk on the cold tiles.) I think, just use the dam damp towel, dry your feet and the socks go on first, (that's what i do). Anyway, i headed out this morning for a few hours and saw a friend, ran some errands and by the time i was back here i completely forgot i hadn't had anything nutritious. To the juicer i was! So i whipped a raw yet tasteful, beautifully refreshing paw paw, carrot and apple juice. It was deliscious, you can't knock it till you try it. And now im sitting here listening to Ed Sheeran, reminsicing about times spent in Rockhampton and Mackay and reading my psychology textbook about Developmental Psychology, or 'lifespan development.' The drizzle of rain in the background creates the most comforting atmosphere to write to. What tops it off is my best friend is sitting right beside me, having a snooze. My little pup Jenna. 

Today, i miss the old days. The after school ballet rush and nights spent doing ballet, jazz or contemporary preparing for the weekends competition. 

Today, i miss the innocence of being a youth, (you know where you can get away with things because you are still a kid.)

Today, i miss the family time: sibling fights, getting a smack for shaving your legs too young, and birthday celebrations and family days out.

It's so nice to have memories. These memories i've been playing through my head the past few hours urge me to plan more and be in touch with my family. Not only my immediate family, but my family in New Zealand and Melbourne - my brothers and sisters from the same mister (my dad sowed his seeds thats for sure but saved the best for last.) I really love having a bigger family and being so close to my brother in Melbourne. I love him so much and cannot wait for all the times we will share together. We have a very honest and open relationship where i can speak freely about whatevers on my mind, whether its about my studying, work ideas, my leisure activities or even if its about how amazing i think Henry Cavill, the new superman is... i can speak of whatever. And he speaks the same with me. We have a very special bond full of trust and i feel so lucky to have that with him. 

I think that its so important to be on good terms with your family, even if you have a faling out or disagreement, you should eventually sort it out and not hold grudges against people because we only have one life to live. We get one shot and one opportunity. That said, there are cases when you should just tell your family to get nicked because there doing you more harm than good and don't deserve to have you in their life, so you create your own life and family. 

When i'm writing, I like to refer to Bukowski quite often for i believe he was not so far off of how he interpreted people and his own life, in the grand scheme of things. People can be fickle and lazy in their friendships with you, untrustworthy, and dog you for the next best thing, but your family will always be there.  

Everyone is a little crazy and there is no way in hell we are able to keep it completely together 100% of the time in our lives because thats not what life is about. Life is about being knocked down, pulling yourself together and lifting yourself back up. It's about learning from your mistakes. Most of all, your life is about YOU. And as adults, we are held accountable for what we say and do because you know whats right and what is wrong and how to go about things depending on the different situations because you have lived. You aren't just a bag a bones, you're a hell of a meat packet full of experience and emotion. Experience shapes us. 

If you let go of something, let it go and move forward. If you can't let go, sit back and think about why, because its probably something to do with YOU. In this life YOU are 10% what happens to you and 90% the way you react from it. I've made some hard decisions in my life, some i am still working toward moving forward with today but my life is about ME and what i want as much as it is about everyone else around you. It's okay to be a little selfish and keep YOU happy before trying to make everyone else happy. I've said this often and ill say it again because in reality Bukowski knew what was what. 

"Some people never go crazy, what truly horrible lives they must lead!" -- Bukowski. 

"Sometimes you climb out of bed in the morning and think 'i'm not going to make it' - and then you laugh inside, remembering all the times you've felt this way." -- Bukowski.

In this life we are going to make mistakes and go a little crazy, be a little silly, fall in love too quickly and then be afraid of what the next steps going to be but one things certain, it's my life, and i wanna give it a dam good go. 

Not closed eyes, eyes wide open! I will look life in the face and say 'COME AT ME BRO'.

Live a little, stop being so serious, and laugh. We can do this!

Until the stars fall,

JP xx

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Projects, projects full steam ahead!

I made a promise to myself i would write more posts in this blog the past month. I promised i would divulge to my readers (the few you may be) more details regarding my intermittent blogging absence. Why i make promises like that, i'm not sure, because another month is nearly over and do you know how many details are in just one month? Of course you do, you're living beings just as i am doing what we do best day to day: living. Well there are lots of details i can tell you thats happened over the past few weeks and yet again i sit here staring at a dam blank screen. What's the point you may ask? Come on, let us in on your rock bottom my subconscious chimes. I mean, that's what i want to know when i'm reading other peoples blogs. I peruse the posts and pages and i'm thinking "okay, get to the point," and "whats the bottom line here?"

I have four projects currently underway!

1. My new website. As a budding writer I have always wanted to write articles for my very own website, so i have created a brand spanking new blog where i am the creator and author. I will discuss more details about this later, and when everything is set up and ready for public scrutiny, i will post the link on here.

2. Time Management. Time management has not always been a main priority of mine, however, since i currently have a few projects underway, such as this blog, finding a job, studying, working for my brother etc. i have found a new way to manage my time. I have been using a diary all year but have also just started using a daily tasks day planner to write down what i'd like to achieve in the day and then prioritise these tasks by giving them a number. At the end of the task i mark a tick or cross under the 'completed' box. I also devote specific time frames to those tasks.

3. Scrapbooking. I have found a fabulous way to be creative and also keep my mind busy. The days are flying by.  Yes, its scrapbooking. After all my years of dance training i have so many photos its hard to choose which ones to use half the time but i like being creative and innovative and doing something different. I have a dance album to complete, and an album of myself from 1 to 21.

4. Finding and cooking (or baking) healthy recipes. I have a newfound joy in cooking and baking and love trying different recipes and creative healthier versions.

And lastly, studying. Thats self explanatory.

I am also helping my brother out with his business selling websites for small to medium sized businesses that are optimised for mobile. I am a busy girl, keeping my mind occupied, staying up late writing and putting together content for my website. Its nice to keep the mind busy in a calm and stable environment. Not only is it relaxing, but is what i am using as a coping mechanism or better termed a coping strategy to help me deal with my boyfriend being away working a lot. I believe this is proactive coping, as its a coping response aimed to head off a future stressor. In psychology, coping is expending conscious effort to solve personal and interpersonal problems, and seeking to master or minimise and tolerate stress. So far, so good.

I have a throbbing headache and my eyes are struggling to stay open. There are many exciting things to look forward to over the next 6 months but im still counting down the days, as always. One day at a time and i'll see you when im looking at you smeff.

Until the stars fall,

JP x

Saturday, June 8, 2013

When life gives you lemons... just add a bit of carrot, beetroot, celery, apple and a knuckle of ginger, whizz it together and drink the shit out of it cos taste good yo and gives you a healthy boost to start the day off saturating your cells with goodness.

This is one of those images with a quote that you stumble across one day whilst perusing random crap on someones facebook page, that makes you stop and read it twice over, and then for a hat trick. It just resonates with you, deep within your soul and you understand completely the meaning behind truly appreciating what you have in your life and the people you've been so fortunate to meet. Whether it be for the short-term or long-term and whether they came into your life only for a season to teach you a lesson, the love we hold in our hearts for the people we were so fortunate to bond with (our families, friendships and relationships) really does last forever, and loving the human race, our earth is so important. We are only on this beautiful planet for the blink of an eye and we get so caught up in the moment, you let the stresses of life and the abundance of societal pressure get you down and make you feel you should be doing things differently, but in reality, like an old friend said to me tonight "you create your own happiness." At the moment, i've done another cycle and i've just applied for a job at the world of sea, (Sea world) and although it seems I'm going backwards, i believe working at a company you've already experienced can be a good thing. I have a renewed interest and i'd be working in a different department and i believe i possess the necessary skills and attributes for the job i've applied and i thought 'what the heck', so why not? So that i shall wait and hopefully get a response soon, otherwise i would love to volunteer at australia zoo again for two weeks. And in all honesty, i feel like now is the best time to move to Melbourne and do what i have always wanted to do, and just live and work there for a year. What a marvellous change of scenery it would be. I just love the culture, the nightlife and the food and i'd get to see more of my half brother. My life isn't stagnant, but i'm at the stage where i have an opportunity to make a life for myself and set up a nest somewhere. I'm 23 years old, and i just want to get out and explore a different city in Australia. Melbourne would be perfect.

I feel life has given me a whole lotta lemons of late and i've just got to take it for what it is. But i wanna be happy, not unhappy, and get out and experience new places and things. It's like im stuck here though, and it isn't a bad thing but at 23, nearly 24, i should be out on my own meeting people, going to classes, just having some fun with the girls, doing my pole dancing classes and getting fit. I think since i've quit my job, im going to have to go for a drive to the sunny coast or to byron and just hang out for a day or two, get up the mountain and head into the bush. Do things that make me happy with people that are my friends and fun to be around. People that know me and understand me.

This weeks goals
ONE: drink more water!
TWO: keep juicing it up.
THREE: bush walk.
FOUR: Ride my bicycle in Byron Bay.
FIVE: Organise an MRI for that stinkin annoying hip!
SIX: smile, paint, laugh, stay up all night and drink red wine.

JP x

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Talking about a Revolution

It's like that feeling of bliss you have, as you sit cross legged in front of an open fire place, with only the sound of the crackle of the wood burning and whispering only slightly in your ears as you sip a warm english breakfast tea. It's a cold evening.  The warmth of the heat the fire exudes toward your body envelopes you like an invisible blanket, snuggling you up and wrapping you up from the inside out. Your eyes twinkle as you stare into the orange lit fire bursting each flame higher as the crackles spark a movement upwards and heat emits towards your palms turned upward and a smile is drawn across your face, ear to ear as they say.  A smile that brings comfort from deep inside your soul. A comfort you crave. If only this feeling lasted a lifetime. It's something special, rare and pure. It brings to light the meaning of life itself, to not search for happiness, or convince yourself to be a certain someone or live a certain way, but to enjoy the moment for what it is there and then, because these little moments string together and form the big moments in our lives, the ones we remember, the memories we share and the wisdom to help us on our journey forward through this big, magical world. A journey that is so unique to everyone elses but all in all the same, because we are all in this together, and each trial and tribulation or emotional upheaveal we face, we get through it, and everything is always okay. 

I believe that i will make a change for myself, and each step i've taken will only lead to bigger and greater things. It's nice to have a message that says "i believe in you". When others see you for who you are, and know what you are capable of, those little messages of endearment and encouragement mean so much more than just "i believe in you", it means "i can see you for who you are and all the mighty things you are bound for in this world, so look at yourself and believe them too because i believe in you, and you should believe in you too." But as we know, it is not always easy to build yourself up when you feel broken. And a little support goes along way. 


I've had my heart broken and i've given up when i thought all was lost. 
I've had no will, when there was always a way to make things better.
I've let people get the better of me and take me for granted, and then not given enough.
I've given all of myself to someone in one instance, and then not given enough to another.
I've broken a heart, (or two) 
I've listened when i shouldn't have, and i went ahead without thinking.
Then i listened too much, (and felt my ship was sinking)
I didn't believe, and lost hope.
I had too much hope and lost belief.
I learnt to trust and gave my heart and soul.
The trust was broken when love was not enough.
I wore sunscreen and took the stairs not the elevator.
I drank water and wine by the bottle!
I lost a friend and gained another.
Twas my footprints kissing the sand one way or another.
To the north and to the south, i travelled east and west.
I found apart of me, deep in my soul im free, however to where is the rest of me? (With these feet in my shoes we'll see).
I'll let you in on a little secret, i'm not the most perfect girl. But imperfect is most perfect in an ever changing world.

Now the action steps up a gear as we have graduated to a whole new level. From last August to now, a lot has changed and my frustrations are piling up. Everyday things are getting better, and i'm getting better, but the distance is hard, the limited time sucks. The jobs frustrating (yet all workplaces are) and there's only two ways it can go. To see the positivity in all and bring to life the old. To stretch and sweat and eat my broccoli and get in touch with the world. I deserve to feel valued and respected and appreciated for me (we all do) not a nuisance and frustration, thats not where i want to be. If only people were a little less self centred, and more sensitive to others. Show the people you care about how they make you feel, because words are nothing more than words on a page if actions don't follow as well. I yearn to laugh uncontrollably, be cheeky, fun and spontaneous. To kiss ever so passionately and be held so tight you just don't want to let go. To feel that feeling of bursting happiness, like a flame is alive inside of you. To feel like i'm a priority and not that you ring me or text me because you have to, but because you want to. I mean no matter who it is, family, friends, your lovers, just value the people in your life and show them they are important. Make them feel number one and apart of you and like you are proud to have them in your life. Not separate it, and do things on your own accord. Just be together. Things in your life aren't always going to be good. I know this, but i don't want to settle. I almost want to study again so i can be in a classroom and have an intelligent conversation about anything, i yearn for just a good, bloody conversation. A walk on the beach in the moonlight. A cup of baskins choc chip cookie dough ice cream listening to the world. 

Our lives can be electric if we wish it. And this is a revolution.

Until the stars fall, JP xx

You want to make a change? Lets talk.

I wish i had the answers. 

NOW lets talk more 


I know it's a bit ridiculous worrying about the things you cannot change and stressing about a situation you have no control of, yet, we are human, and sometimes these things get the better of us. I'll admit it, it's a tough and challenging time at the moment and as much as i tell myself to take each day as it comes, focus on the now etc etc, i find myself realising, it's time that heals any unsettled emotions and unhealed wounds. It's time that we give ourselves time to allow the healing process to begin, and to allow the situation to run its course and work itself out. "Jodie, you look like a duck in a desert!" Said one of the head dolphin trainers as i floated aimlessly out to the centre of the pool one day. I was waiting to continue filming a dolphin program and "get on with the job" as they say. I find the cycle beginning again: i'm a duck waddling around a flat plane desert trying to find my little miracle of a pond.  

Tomorrow is the start of a new adventure at my new job. I have more challenges to face and overcome, more responsibilities to accept and take in my stride and of course, new personal bests to achieve. I'm looking forward to a change of scenery and a new team to work with. Although i feel a little nervous and anxious about tomorrow, i know i'll be fine as soon as i get there. I just need to get to work and get stuck into it and focus on the task at hand. Thats the great thing about work. I much rather have to get up and get to work so i have a reason to get up for the day and something to focus on. It's hard work and i'm constantly on the go but right now its the perfect environment for me to be in. Otherwise, ill find myself in a vicious cycle jumping from one thing to the next, and spending money i don't have to give myself 5 minutes of pleasure and satisfaction until again the reality hits me and i realise i'm just spending money because it makes me feel good. It fills the void of missing him dearly. I am struggling with this at the moment and i am trying to be supportive, i know this is just 'how it is.' I guess i worry too much about the future of when we see each other and the limited time we have together, instead of being positive about it all and looking forward to just every minute we spend together, ive been focusing on the fact he isnt with me, and the fact he will leave again (completely unproductive). Although i am a little unhappy about this part of my life: i just never thought id find myself in this kind of relationship, i do know that i love him very much, and for now it is a compromise.

My heart has chosen you because you are the one that makes me feel nothing i have ever felt before. A complete and utter bliss i have been missing for a long time. You have filled a void within my heart that cannot be replaced.

It's every girls dream to grow up and find their true prince charming and live in a castle. I find myself at 23 years of age living at home with my mother. Although she is great, and so amazingly supportive of me and tolerant of my moods, i would love more than anything to go out and have a place of my own, and fill it up with my stuff and have a place for me and my man to just be (you and me) you know? It is what i'm supposed to be doing. I'd love even to move in with a friend also. It does make it harder i have a dog but there is no way i would leave her behind. It's all about living at the moment, and it's too expensive to live on my own so until the day comes, we trust in each other, ill be with my mum.

It is what it is. I just don't think its healthy to compare what happened in past relationships to a current relationship and let that be a decider. Past experiences teach us about ourselves and other people and also allow us to not repeat the same mistakes and do things a little wiser. But as the saying goes, we grow a little wiser as we go and i do believe your mindset from 21 to 25 completely changes and grows. Why? Because you experience life.

As Bukowski says, "peace of heart and mind arrive when you accept what is, being born into this strange world and having some satisfaction in leaving it all behind. "

Until my fingers find themselves typing away my thoughts onto this blank page again, JP xx

Monday, April 29, 2013

A not so sweet monday

It's becoming more of a challenge to write what i'd like to write in this blog without having to be somewhat closed off, so certain people in my life don't find out the truth. Yet, it then just becomes a rock in a hard place and i might as well stop writing because anything i say  again about true honesty is automatically going to be criticised by another part of my subconscious mind saying "stop it you hypocrit, you can't say that about ... when you won't even ... and ... then tell them ..." and so it begins: another useless exercise in futility about relationships, love, the journey of the self and so on. Nevertheless, my spine quivers as the silence of my dark room sends a ringing down my left ear and the fingertips of both my hands hit the keys uncontrollably like a puppet on a string. And i'm writing again. Perhaps it's that feeling of release. The release of a myriad of emotion splurging out of me like word vomit on a page, not necessarily making sense but each word inching that one bit closer to a sense of peace and security. Nothing stops me, not even when i feel the urge to stop for one moment and yank my hands away from the keyboard and clench both palms into fists and hold them against my temples, as if some almighty super power has forced me to stop and i stare at a blank page, i can't stop. Clearly, I have a lot of pent up frustrations and i know my mind, body and spirit (if they could speak) would agree in unison i might add, that i would indeed benefit from some regular yoga sessions, perhaps some hypnotherapy, and definitely meditation to let my body breathe and a change of scenery.

Over the past four weeks i've had many urges to write and write but couldn't bring myself to opening up my blogger page and letting my mind go, because that happens ^^^ ie., the word vomit thing. It comes out of me 100 miles an hour and i can't digest it all. I guess you don't digest vomit do you? It just makes you hurl and what you really do with it is wash it away. Start 'a fresh' the next day.

Until the stars fall, and until i can put into words what it is i really want to say, i leave you with this unsteady feeling.

I have unconditional love, hope, and faith. JP xx

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Shine a light on me

The Midnight Special

Sigh. As I throw myself down onto my bed ready to do some reading on working and communicating effectively in health, (another module for studying) I begin to contemplate the feelings I’ve been suppressing about my long distance relationship. I never thought I’d find myself in one, you know, a relationship where your at least 15 hours drive or an hours flight away, but love has a funny way of popping its head up when you least expect it and not always to… I suppose ‘fit’ into your current life. Now don’t get me wrong I am not unhappy in my relationship yet I am unhappy with the ‘distance’ circumstance. I have to really plan when I can see my boyfriend, I can’t just ring him up on a whim and say ‘hey, wanna see a movie tonight?’ and sometimes it gets me down. I know this is just how it is at the moment but I feel our relationship is sort of in a stagnant place because we’ve only been together since September, therefore we grow that little closer together when we see each other and pick up where we left off so to speak. We are in contact via phone whether its calls or texting every day yet you just feel the distance. Frankly, it’s that I miss him and I want that cuddle to sleep sometimes. 3 weeks is a long time not to be with someone your heart misses. Some days are better than others, and then theres days like today… where you just wish the time away because by the time you go to sleep you are one day closer to being together.

People say you can’t make long distance relationships work but the heart wants what the heart wants. We share day-to-day activities between each other that draws a smile to my face. Being apart is hard, but it is also enabling us to continue growing as individuals while still remaining a couple. I still enjoy going out with friends and feel committed in my relationship. I have my new course I’ve gotten into and he has his own things to focus on. Eventually, one or both of us will be able to move so we are closer together but I have realized it has to be a compromise, not a sacrifice. Whether we live apart or together, its important in a relationship to make your partner a part of your life and grow together, not your whole life.

Yes, it's rough being apart, but harping on the negative can take a toll on the relationship. But it’s confirmed; absence really does make the heart grow fonder!

OMG!! I cannot believe its March. MARCH already and so much has happened. I spent a wonderful valentines day with my man in Airlie beach just off Mackay in the pouring rain I add… out boat rafting and snorkeling, set off with a lovely dinner and drinks in our balcony spa. Was so lovely to spend that time together. Just thinking about it now I wish we were back there! Definitely going to have to plan another trip there for winter so the visibility is clearer and I can see more nemos! Secondly, I’m studying my allied health assistance certificate and enjoying learning about the human body structures and functions of those systems. Im hoping to get through the content quite quickly to begin my work placement and obtain a job, so I’m moving forward toward a career instead of feeling like I’m doing nothing and just going through the motions you know.

I’ve just spent a wonderful week with my mum and her friends from England who have come over here for the Australian sun, (unfortunately, its been pissing down with rain for weeks) and so we weren’t able to take them to sightseeing places they would have enjoyed, but we have had a great time singing karaoke, heading out for dinners and enjoying each others company.

I know I don’t write in my blog that much, I always have a lot to say but I’m not sure the best way to say it. I miss some of my girlfriends who I haven’t been in touch with lately, everyone’s so busy with life its hard to catch up.  

Nevertheless, the people who want to be in your life will be there no matter what! And today I give myself a pat on the back for looking after number one for a change and doing things for me.

“Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” - Joshua J. Marine - See more at:

until the stars fall,

JP xxx

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I wish

I wish I was
I wish I were
To build a new
Replace the old
I wish I was
I wish to learn
Asking for but thanks in return
A protégé, a fancy dancer
I wish I was
I wish I were
I wish the world would fall apart
Leaving Nothing around
I wish to start over
I wish I were a fresh bud sown in the spring.
I wish.