There is nothing more wonderful, than what it feels like to be in the presence of such beauty, wisdom and grace.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wed-nes-day update

Is it crazy that i'm really excited i'm having a happy meal for dinner?

Is it weird that i love broccoli?

As i write this, my dog is running around trying to get the bucket off her head, mum just brought me a glass of lemonade, my cats whining at me, i'm chatting on facebook and listening to system of a down.

You know what, who the heck cares. The main thing is, its great being me. Im really happy with the way this year is turning out, minus of course the downsides that have occurred already. There's no point dwelling on the past though so i accept what i cannot change, embrace surprises and go with the flow.

Okay, i know i haven't written here in well over a week but I've been busy leading the highs and lows of a uni student life. The late nights, early mornings, assignments, readings, the endless coffees, studying on my lunch break at work, feeling exhausted, skipping the gym, not eating enough pineapple (i do love pineapple) not getting another tattoo *sigh* and constantly filling up my car with $70 worth of petrol. Oh whoa is me, poor uni student.. i have nothing to complain about, i love it! I'm meeting new people, learning again and as much as i'm trying to save money, i'm managing to still have fun on the side.

So im emotionally stable, physically not what i want to be (as usual) but i think i'm pretty healthy. I have a girl in my life who makes me smile with a simple text message saying that she's thinking of me. She is one of the best people in my life and always makes everything okay. I love her to pieces and i want her to be happy, and do whats right for her. No matter what we always support one another and without her i don't know where i would be today. Love you deeny!

I have such a busy schedule at uni that its great being single, otherwise i would have to worry about someone else, but if someone comes into my life unexpected, ill embrace it and not throw it away, you just never know what paths life leads you down. I've kept work to work and don't share everything with people like i used to. I don't think its worth it. Not many people have real friends where they work so i'm keeping my life a lot more separate this year. Theres a karaoke competition on saturday in Arundel. Im not entering the competition as such but ill sing 'you give love a bad name' by Bon Jovi, hmm i wonder who that reminds me of? I guess some of them want to use you...better luck next time as they say!

Sweet dreams are made of this: love, contentment, happiness, spontaneity, friendships

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