There is nothing more wonderful, than what it feels like to be in the presence of such beauty, wisdom and grace.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Breathlessness isn't a warning, but a mere beacon of hope.
My Anxiety, Over thinking and Paranoia contributes to The whirlwind in my head. It's in motion and constantly spinning.

How did we end up in this place? I strummed a myriad of chords on my classical guitar, I remembered how it felt. A self expression, unity and community. Why do we stop what we love? Accept the things we cannot change - If only i could bend the time/space continuum. Okay, everyone deserves to be a hero, live the life you want to and do what you love. Why do u stop? Why did I stop?

Patience is a virtue but the waiting part is difficult. I'm trying to make sense of my nonsensical thoughts and not read into everything, however the more I try to forget, the list becomes endless. A nonsensical blog, but there's a certain feeling behind it all. Talk to me.

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