There is nothing more wonderful, than what it feels like to be in the presence of such beauty, wisdom and grace.

Monday, September 20, 2010

I dont wear my heart on my sleeve...

I don't wear my Heart on my sleeve, I just tell it how it is.
I need my personal space, privacy and trust.
I listen to my gut instincts and follow what I believe in.
I'm not afraid to get hurt.
I don't believe that everything happens for a reason, we are in control of our own lives.
I believe people should take a step back and look at what's going on in their own lives before getting involved in everyone elses.
Love isn't a losing game, it's a journey that results at times into a battlefield.
When two people are interested in one another, others shouldn't pressure them into something they aren't ready for: because, at the end of the day, the relationship you build is between you and the other person, set on your terms. Who cares about the 'norm' as long as your both happy and comfortable, right?

I'm myself in a world full of hatred, longing, violence, corruption, love, envy, jealousy, confusion, narcissism, curiosity, acceptance and the list goes on. This is our world. I try to be myself as best I can be. But life constantly puts up walls to test us as individuals, our boundaries, and to ask us to demonstrate if we have learnt from our past. For you i've fallen and i'm anxious about tonight. I need to tell him something but its too hard in a text message, and no, it's not that. Really guys, way to soon! But it's something else i need to explain to him about me, and i just hope i can find the right words to express it properly, and that he will make sense of what i'm saying. Some conversations are easier than others, and tonight will be interesting. For sure, i'll be left feeling vulnerable, again, but with hope he understands.

Im looking forward to these next two days off! Ill be walking Jenna in the rain (she does love it), exercising, catching up with my daddio, and sorting out some university stuff for next year - Fingers crossed its smooth sailing. And of course, i'll be finishing off some things i've made, practicing an old song on my classical guitar (i've got to get this down before i see cat boy again...) and watching Heroes, or Smallville... whatever takes my fancy! Ill be heading back up to Australia Zoo again soon for some more volunteering days. Yes, more poop scooping but it's so worth it, and learning manual. I guess some things are looking up!

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