There is nothing more wonderful, than what it feels like to be in the presence of such beauty, wisdom and grace.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

a night with Chester...

Nothing beats spontaneity. So i had the weekend off from work, an annual leave day so after sleeping in, eating maccas, seeing some friends and spending the afternoon with one of my best girlfriends, i decided to go to Byron for the night. It was a quick drive, it took just over an hour to get there and i had a ball. Its great seeing old friends, relaxing and getting away from it all even if it is just for a night. I saw Chester to, his pet snake. Snakes are one of the coolest animals and i've learnt so much about them in the past few years. I used to be afraid of them, nervous and very uneasy, however, an old friend of mine who i was seeing for a little while had about 15 snakes in his house so i pretty much had to get used to them, then i grew to love them. Chester is beautiful and i love staring at him. I'm still a little unsure about him, especially when his head is so close to my face and his tongue is constantly moving in and out, i always think he might strike, but i see how my mate is with him and i begin to relax. Then, this morning i was eager to get him out, and i held him for a little while and felt the way his body moves around and how his skin feels, very cool indeed. He was quite inquisitive and i thought it was one of the coolest things ever, even if it did take me a while to relax completely. I like him, and i want my very own woma python, or a murray darling... its something a little different, definitely not like a dog or a cat or even my turtle Lenny, but very awesome indeed. 

Being in Byron for the night felt good because its something different, spontaneous and unique. Its so completely different from my home here on the Gold Coast, for one there's chickens roaming around and cows in the distance and the house is so different to mine, i love it. It feels good to get away and wake up somewhere that doesn't feel like home. Don't get me wrong, i love my home here. We rent in Parkwood and its the first house we've rented that i actually feel comfortable in and like, since losing our house in 2006. The rain was unnecessary today, 'better luck next time' for heading to the beach. I had fun relaxing, cuddling the cats that live there and watching 'the mighty boosh' - great show. After finally getting home i went to another balance class at the gym - this time i wasn't so great but i still persevered and tried my hardest. My body felt exhausted from lack of sleep and nutrition. Harley came over tonight to drop off a christmas present, i gave him one also and we went and saw the latest Harry Potter. It was great seeing him and i enjoyed his company:) Im not looking forward to work tomorrow, 6am cleaning shift to begin with however i won't mind as much if its raining. 

I'm still surprised at how good i'm feeling lately about myself considering the circumstances, and how much doing what i want to has boosted my confidence. When we do what we love, don't let stresses and small issues get under our skin and see our friends etc we feel good, so i'm going to continue doing what i'm doing, whatever it is, it's working and i like this happy feeling i've created. 


PS: better luck next time ay? How very interesting

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