There is nothing more wonderful, than what it feels like to be in the presence of such beauty, wisdom and grace.

Monday, December 27, 2010

my lunchbreak - breakdown

I'm only afraid of some things in this world. Losing my loved ones, never having children or a family and not standing up for what i believe in. To be honest, is to be cautious. To love, like you've never loved before is to be courageous. To be careful, is to be considerate of not others but yourself. I've learnt that we need to hold onto precious moments, the things that made you smile no matter how small they are. Like when your friend texts you in the morning to say 'hey beautiful girl, have a good day'. These things matter because they lift your spirits for even just a moment, and you remember them. When you let go of something, let it go, live with no regrets, harsh words or criticisms, for these are unworthy of your concern. A river of sunflowers, a sky painted with stars, a bed of roses, a dream.

Like the drizzle of rain, its subtle, scarred and sore. 
I sailed out on this paddle boat, alone, without an oar.
My tongue was tied, i couldn't speak
my lips pressed tightly whispering but a squeak.

He said i looked beautiful, shining and bright,
a purple iris, my camera can't see through this night.
So long i tried, i couldn't believe
blinded, withheld, twas only him i could see.

My magic was lost upon his eyes
the blue with red struck fire behind
it dazzled brightly then burnt out
suddenly, my minds without a doubt.

I want to succeed and be the best i can be. I want to love, unconditionally. I want to sing a thousand times over to you the beauty of the skies, to dance, to laugh and to cry within your arms at night, your rhythm is magic. I am not in love with anyone, i love my family and friends to pieces. These words above are not for anyone in particular but from that girl in the picture frame with a dream. Through ancient history, poets and those alike put pen to paper there feelings and created emotional worlds, characters and boundaries, using there dreams as inspiration. These words come from within my heart and soul. What i write doesn't always make sense. Does life make sense?

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