There is nothing more wonderful, than what it feels like to be in the presence of such beauty, wisdom and grace.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


It was Monday afternoon but it felt like Sunday... where did the weekend go? A new week already and Friday night can't come fast enough! Christmas drinks at Waxy's to look forward to with the weekend off from work, and staying in Surfers for two nights. Good weekend before the best weekend ever, that's right, i'm talking about Christmas. So, quite a few people i know couldn't really care about Christmas, but for me, i can't wait! Presents, Christmas lunch and drinks with boxing day off to recover, yew! Its going to be a good day. Actually, every day is a great day - i'm smiling, exercising, relaxed and finally, i'm well. My best friend arrives home this Thursday and I really can't wait to see him and give him the biggest hug. We have alot to catch up on, so a night staying up till sunrise is definitely in order for us. One of my best girl friends came over with her dog today for a play date and it was very cute watching the dogs get to know each other. I love seeing my girl friends and have missed them so much, they are one of the most important parts in my recovery to me and my happiness. I'm so excited for next year that i'm already smiling about it as i write this blog. Lots of people to see before the year is over and lots of things to do, and life is great.

Relationship wise, the boy is amazing and he treats me like a princess. Most of you know who i'm talking about and i can't wait for him to meet some of my best friends. Dad just arrived, he has come over for dinner with the family as my brothers just cooked a Roast leg of lamb with veggies.

I had the best weekend, great laughs and lots of fun. So much mud, a trolley, a smelly blow up pool, maccas (of course) dancing, sambuca and rum (again, of course) and few randoms that made the night pretty interesting! Boys kissing the random bday girl, her friend gets jealous "i wish it was my birthday" pucker up sister, the boys wont let you miss out.. haha. Good stuff.

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