There is nothing more wonderful, than what it feels like to be in the presence of such beauty, wisdom and grace.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Oh baby baby!

When you feel good about your life, happiness, strength and energy oozes from your soul and envelopes your body with a warm feeling of contentment and that wondrous feeling like your on top of the world; anything is possible. It's that kind of feeling that human beings strive for, the feeling of a job well done, you've achieved your goals and put simply, you feel happy. Poets, philosophers, politicians and writers marveled at their own hopes and dreams, and the hopes and dreams of humanity, writing about them in song, prose and speaking of them to society. They poured their hearts out, searched deep into the realms of their souls to find what exactly will make them happy, and in turn looked into the happiness of others depending on their situation and needs. Being happy is the aim of human existence, but this doesn't mean that everything is perfect, it means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections. Sometimes we tend to forget that happiness is recognizing and appreciating what we have.

I have a wonderful family, and some of the best friends anyone could ask for and now a new friend who appreciates me for me. I feel courageous, my confidence is returning and im starting to feel good. Lamington cupcakes taste pretty delicious when made from the heart, and you know, that must be why when your mum makes your lunch it tastes so good. Go figure. Pilates was a challenge tonight, one of those ones i aimed to beat. I was so proud of myself leaving the class tonight and the ligaments and pelvic muscles are feeling it already. Work ran smoothly and most of all i couldnt stop smiling. I wonder why?? So clearly my date went really well (it was our first official date, but i have spent alot of time with him lately) he even made me blush. Okay, so i blush easily but i still felt very special. Apparently i have a 'real' date to look forward to. How special can a girl feel! It was kind of funny, but as we get older we try things and for those of you who know me, me in a Japanese restaurant, an interesting endeavor. Raw salmon with a squeeze of lemon and a hint of wasabi, actually, to my surprise, it went down alright. Although i still gulped down some wine along with it... How good is eggplant! Okay, so its like a vegetarians slice of steak and wow, this tasted amazing. Definitely something i would order again. And yes there was the usual, miso soup, deep fried prawns (mm..) rice, chicken teriyaki and this amazing marinated lamb in a special japanese sauce on a bed of lettuce with slices of capsicum - my favourite. Interestingly, i don't eat steak but lamb is too good. During dinner i couldn't stop smiling, we had a great night, so today at work i told a few people about it and they were so excited. And i quote, 'yeah mate that dudes a mad dog'. Definitely correct.

Looks like i'm feeling happy, gaining confidence, not wanting to drive into street poles (at least not lately) and looking forward to this weekend, its going to be a great end to 2010. To top it all off? A visit from my half brothers in which one i have met and am very close to, the other, the first meeting, a great start to 2011. Fingers crossed for university, and toes crossed for something else...lets just say i made the phone call, i started a journey and i'm on the road to finishing another. All i can say is, well done JP, but don't burn yourself out.

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