There is nothing more wonderful, than what it feels like to be in the presence of such beauty, wisdom and grace.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Until the sun doesn't set...

There are so many amazing things we can do in this world, yet most of us are so tied down to our own dreams and aspirations aka our ‘safe zone’ that we overlook subtle opportunities that are floating by. Sometimes, opportunity isn’t so subtle. It has a great, big; ugly head on it with a mouth so large it could envelope your house. Opportunity has a voice that echoes like thunder, screaming down your throat and reverberates through your chest and you simply don’t notice it. Opportunity comes in different shapes and sizes; colours; materials and textures. Sometimes it’s a little package as tiny as a ring on your middle finger, or it can be a large package like a bundle of money you didn’t expect or perhaps a new car. Maybe your opportunity lies in another destination of the world and due to geographical reasons it’s well out of arms reach. Perhaps opportunity comes in the form of something your best friend mentioned, or a simple chance to surprise a lover by becoming committed for the ride. Whatever shape, size or however your opportunity projects itself, don’t overlook it. As a writer something as simple as an autumn falling leaf tells a thousand words and shares its story with me and I see opportunity in my dreams. 

I think as a generation who has had everything given to them, it’s so easy to overlook simple opportunities to be the best person you can be by going somewhere new, trying to cook scrambled eggs (and through personal experience, it isn’t that hard!) or heading to a place you never even wanted to go – all we need to do is change our perspective. I usually say it’s all about your attitude but that’s only a stepping stone; it’s about embracing the ‘new’ and taking a chance, because even if you decide it wasn’t the best thing for you – you learnt something along the way and that kind of experience (added to your knowledge database) will enable you to relax and become more resilient in other situations.

You know, they say this world is full of dreamers and if you don’t like dreaming, have a pascall swirl, because thanks to those dreamers before us we have the kinds of opportunities they only dreamt about. Take skydiving for example – ancient Greek men and women wrote of flying and how lovely it is to watch a bird saw effortlessly through the air, an audacity only dreamt of, yet in this century we have the opportunity to do the same and experience the world from above. I did it and I encourage you to do the same. Even if death was a possibility I wasn’t afraid. We have so much in this world and I’m grateful for the dreams that began the journey to making things happen.  I can only imagine what it will be like to venture off into space, because that’s our next destination. And in so many hundreds of years, someone just like me might be writing a blog about it.

On another note, I have 3 more weeks of classes with a few assignments to go and of course exams. I’m looking forward to my semester break, I’m thinking plenty of pole practice, bush walking and maybe a hot air balloon ride to top it off.

I’m nearly 22 now and I’ve noticed I’m nowhere near as stressed or anxious as I used to be, that’s one thing I can be proud of.

Until the sun doesn’t set, J x

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