There is nothing more wonderful, than what it feels like to be in the presence of such beauty, wisdom and grace.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Don't fight it

Should I be afraid, or is this a voice I created? "Don't fight it", I'm hurting and I'm not afraid to admit it. We all have different stories, treasures and secrets but this is no secret. I'm hurting and it pulls at my heart strings.

Happiness is always a tear drop away, theirs thunder rumbling in the clouds, a flood of emotion staring down, heavy, black and ready to fall...I'm hurting, more overwhelmed of it all. An endless highway, one direction I run, all roads led towards this fun of heartache, tugging at my heart strings, longing or lost? This is not what we fight, don't fight it, my ships endured a stormy night...

Sometimes, my blog may not make sense, but it's words and feelings that come out of my mind, my heart and flow from my fingertips, hit the keys and begin to create the words your reading now. I write in different states of being, i may be off key, out of tune, a note to high but what i feel inside is true, i listen to my gut instincts and trust myself. We shouldn't fight what feels right, and listen to the positive and negative thoughts of the day and notice what made you feel this way. What made me write that lies above? All i know, is that it's okay to feel sad about past relationships and friendships, notice the things that made you happy and remember your time together.

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