There is nothing more wonderful, than what it feels like to be in the presence of such beauty, wisdom and grace.

Friday, July 5, 2013

"Stay AWAY from Jazz and Liquor"

"...and the men who play for fun" - Chicago.

After a fabulous pole fitness and dance class wednesday night i'm feeling a lot more motivated to sell all my dance costumes on Ebay and hand a bag over to one of my old dance teachers, and even more motivated to insist to my mother that I NEED to put my pole back up in the house (physiotherapists instructions, honest) and get back into pole fitness. Two days after my class I am really feeling it. When I cough or sneeze, I get a sharp muscular jolt in the sides of my obliques and deep in the bottom of my abs. My arms are absolutely killing. I couldn't even bowl properly yesterday, but surprisingly i couldn't do much... except the splits. Due to my weekly stretching I am more flexible than I thought i would be, but still a fair way to go to get back to where I was.

My juicing is going so well! I love my raw vegetable juices, and green juices taste so refreshingly good. I still eat food, but since a few gym sessions, I have really knuckled down on what i am consuming. Some days are easier than others, I just have to focus on food preparation, and not go grocery shopping whilst I am hungry.

I also like the way the little voice in my head doesn't have to do that if I don't want it to. Because. That. Is. Really. Annoying.

Although a lot of my own writing isn't up to grammatical scratch since I just write what i'm going to write, hit publish and i'm done with it. I do find posts such as the one above quite humorous.

I follow a page on Facebook called Grammarly and I find sheer delight in the quirky responses written by other followers to grammar humour. I'm a nerd huh? I'm sure my boyfriend doesn't understand why I think these things are so funny, but some of them literally make me laugh out loud. One post a few days ago stated "we're going to cut and paste kids. Commas matter." I thought this was so clever, and it seems commas truly save lives. If you don't get it, there is supposed to be a comma after paste;)

I even find literary puns to be amusing such as this one below:

English nerd humour #303

It's nice to feel a bit better this week than I have been feeling. My websites coming together slowly, but surely. Websites are a little tricky at times. I change a format and think i am doing the right thing and then lose a draft and somethings purple! I like how it is at the moment, but next week i am going to have to take a trip to Brisbane to sort it out a bit better. You can find it at

I have a job interview on Monday!!! A little nervous and definitely apprehensive but excited for something new and different. That's exactly why i started my website. It helps keep my mind busy whilst my boyfriends away. Scrapbookings great, yet i can't do that 24/7 and can get expensive. If i go to spotlight i need to leave my wallet at home, otherwise i'll just want to buy pretty much everything. Since i am jobless, i can't afford that. Somehow, i can talk myself into affording it, then i turn around and feel sorry for myself later. Nevertheless, now's the time i am sharing even more of my thoughts and ideas about the things i adore in life. 

I miss dancing and i think i'm going to give Burlesque classes a decent go. What the heck, its exciting, makes you feel good and theres a great group of girls that do it and that's what i need. To hang out a little more with more of my own kind. 

Until the stars fall,


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