There is nothing more wonderful, than what it feels like to be in the presence of such beauty, wisdom and grace.

Monday, September 3, 2012

I think i've had enough

I think i've finally had enough and the saying "Life is long if you know how to use it, springs to mind, well okay Seneca, you've got me again. We live our lives each day wanting more and more. It's not that we aren't satisfied with what we have, we yearn for peace, love and adventure. I love the ambitious nature humans hold - without it we wouldn't be where we are today. The technological advances in our society would cease to be but a dream. As human beings we live and learn, make mistakes and justify our actions, or why a person treats you the way they do. We sleep either too much or not enough and let peoples negative comments take a hold of us and bring us down. We forget that each of us have our own stories, our own little dark secrets we hide from others. At times, these secrets creep up on you in the most unexpected ways and you share them without even thinking to your surprise or dismay. Maybe you weren't over it as much as you thought or perhaps you just needed to share it, to show that person you've also been in the same situation and empathise with them. It's amazing how differently people act to the same secret you hold. For me i was devastated and hurt. My heart ached and i wasn't right for a few months even though i'd made the right decision, where as another person in the same situation merely blurts it out without a thought of who was around her like she was spitting on the pavement.

I believe we should all be a little more sensitive and give people the space they desire. I've just spent a good few weeks up in Rockhampton writing, sleeping, shopping and drinking cocktails. I met a few interesting folk nonetheless (country towns - gotta love the country folk). I saw a few faces i met last time and tried to focus on myself. I must admit, i got a little bored at times and missed my family and friends. Its not that i wanted to come home, i just wanted to see the faces of people that know me through and through and of course my little dog Jenna. Im lucky to have the friends in my life that i do, that noticed when i was down. Even though i felt miles away just a few simple messages and phone calls picked me right back up. Now i'm home, im missing Rockhampton, or at least whats in Rocky. On my last day a friend took me to Nandos (because who doesn't love nandos?) and then we went for a drive out to Yeppoon to the beach. I didn't realise it before but the beach was closer than i thought.  For the first day of Spring, the weather couldn't have been better, it was so nice, and the company made my day.. Its nice to go to another town and meet new people that you get along with that don't really live so far away from your own home. Ah the serenity of good food and such a pretty beach. It got me wondering, why stress over the people that don't care about you in the same way? Forget it, i say.

IT KIND OF SUCKED having to come home for i really enjoy his company. I guess i have other reasons to go to Rocky now. I think i've definitely had enough of people who are constantly trying to prove themselves that they are 'cool'. Open your eyes and look in the mirror, whats behind all the make up? Honestly, it drives me up the wall when people give you unwarranted opinions and try and tell you how to live your life when they've only just met you. Anyway, this is just something short for i have a puzzle to get back to and headache pills to take. Until the stars fall, ignorance is bliss.


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