Everyone has a name, chosen by none other than those on this earth before us - our parents. What do our names mean? Does the meaning to your name define who you are? What about birth signs- astrology. Does your birth sign, (for me, a leo - a roaring lioness) define your personality and characteristics? How about your biological and genetic make up? People are more than just there names (well duh!) more than just jodzsta, pode or rangi? I am more than just a neighbour, a friend, a neice, and cousin. How about more than just a sister or a daughter? How about more than just a distant ancestor or a girlfriend? We are more than what we have ever thought we were, or are going to be. Our experiences shape our thoughts, perception and judgments.
Last night, my boyfriend and i were laying on his bed reading through some interesting notes on astrology. Astrology is a remarkable subject underestimated by those who don't know much about it and conform more to the thinking that astrology is for people who 'need help.' Like psychology, science, medicine and the such, astrology is more than just a name. Its more than a broadened field of thinking into spirituality. There are many kinds of astrology. And for thousands of years people have looked to themselves and their world around them and uncovered a deeper connection into spirituality and more so into our humanity. This is how i see it anyway. I can only speak for myself and what i believe, after all, this is a blog about my thoughts.
The way i see it - i believe that astrology can tell us many things about our personality for enjoyment and wisdom. After all, im nearly 22 and therefore the frontal lobe of my brain is thus still maturing, and as i get older - until about 27 - my brain will continue to develop and mature until it would have developed to its capacity so to say. I will become much more self reflective and notice the little things in astrology and in my horoscope readings that in the past i would have merely skimmed over, however, due to the development of myself (physically, coginitively, and psychosocially) will see just how much it really relates to me. Believe what you will about astrology and believe what you want about your life - but we are all going to die, and thanks to a miracle - we are the lucky ones. So i feel that i should use my time on earth to discover more about myself and my spirituality which will lead to fulfillment in all aspects of my life - relationships, love, my working career, even my travel expeditions i am yet to further encounter. Each aspect of our lives correlate with one another and I yearn to continually live and discover myself 'truly'. I am unique.
Because of all this astrology talk i decided to google astrology and find a horoscope compatibility for myself -a roaring lioness and Jindy - an arien prince! Did you know that astrology can reveal a whole new level of understanding between people simply by looking at their star sign and that of their partner?
Although we have only been together for just short of 5 months - we have been through ups and downs and learnt more about ourselves and each other than i thought was possible and i love him.
Leo + Aries
Fire + Fire = Explosion
The element you share is extremely creative, and hints at a good union. The combination of Leo Fire with Aries Fire is an excellent one — you and Aries can look forward to many satisfying times.
You are both driven individuals, who have strong creative impulses and know how to support each other. This will help you both achieve your long-term goals. Aries needs to realise that Leo is just as proud and dominating a sign as Aries. There will be no avoiding the who will rule the roost question in this relationship.
In the extreme, two fire signs combining can be explosive. One can eventually burn out the other — this usually happens if the competitiveness between the two of you gets out of control. But Leo is the fifth sign, which indicates playfulness and a sporting association between you. Try to keep it all in good fun.
Even if things are going very well, you’ll still have to sort out who is going to be the leader, or see if you can share the job. Neither of you is submissive, so this will be a challenge.
The fact that fire is a common element between you promises very good times, sexually and emotionally. This is definitely a great match in the bedroom. There’s a spark between you there — your connection is spontaneous, fresh and ever youthful.
If there’s any problem here, it’s most likely to be over-indulgence! Are you complaining, Leo? No way, and neither will Aries!
You’ll be fascinated by Aries born between 21 March and 30 March. They are ruled by Mars, and this implies a strong karmic association between you. You could have a chance to do a lot of long-distance travelling with them. This combination will be focused on exploration and fun.
Most Arians are compatible with Leo, but the most compatible are those born between 31 March and 10 April — this group has greater solar influences. You will be very drawn to these people and will develop strong friendships with them. Like good wine, these will mature with age.
Aries born between 11 April and 19 April are ruled by Jupiter as well as Mars. This suggests some very exciting romance between you. Of all the Aries you meet, this group will appeal to you most, sexually.
Entertainment, sports and other fun activities come naturally to both of you and will keep your relationship sparking. You are also attracted to the innate wisdom of these Aries, and because they are co-ruled by Jupiter, they can calm your fiery and inflexible side
SO this seems to be an interesting match. I think i need to be a bit more spontaneous and learn to be a little more open to meeting randoms..
time will tell, and until the sun doesnt set...
peace and love JP
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