There is nothing more wonderful, than what it feels like to be in the presence of such beauty, wisdom and grace.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Here's the Situation

Please excuse me for how slack i've been posting in my blog. I needed a well deserved break away from the 'screenager' generation and technology. We are living in a world where we are taught from a young age that all the fun happens within a screen. I'm talking nintendo ds, playstation and game systems alike, iPhones/blackberry and touch screen digital systems. We have entered a world where our lives depend on digital technologies to help us accomplish tasks quicker, so there's more relaxation time. Without this form of 'screenager' technology we would actually have less stress in our lives.

Nevertheless i'm BACK and ready to wear it well.

One more week and i'm back to university, semester two and only 6 subjects until graduation. Im undertaking psychology and public speaking - subjects i'm very interested and eager to get into. The only thing that sucks... Monday 8am lectures. Dam.

Pole fitness is going well. I'm gaining more strength and flexibility and continually being inspired by copious amounts of youtube videos about pole dancing moves and of course my idol Felix Cane. Check her out by clicking this link:

Miss Felix Cane Miss Pole Dance 2010

Here is a sample of images of moves i have accomplished so far.

Its sensuous. Its sexy. Its ART.

Why pole dance? 
Pole Dancing is a great way to increase your strength and flexibility in a sexy and fun way, not only building confidence, but a more defined and strong YOU.


If your in doubt...


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