It's raining once more but at least its midnight. Id prefer it to rain at night time when im completely snuggled and warm in my bed rather than when i'm neck deep in the water filming a dolphin program at Dolphin Cove. I love listening to the rain. I don't know whats so special about it however the sound of rain falling around us is beautiful. Work was okay today, minus the fact that i was completely scattered, anxious and nervous this morning. I calmed my nerves eventually yet my heart was pounding non-stop. Perhaps it was the excitement on the prospect of change or learning something new about one of the animals im not sure. I find it difficult to pin point my feelings to the core although its not like i don't try to.
The doctor was interesting; I asked the question about obtaining a referral and that i couldn't afford to see a GP so he gave me his card and ill be seeing him tomorrow for about 20mins, bulk billed. Mentioned my headaches to him however i think the main occurring factor is stress related. Iron tablets have hit my medicine cabinet once more, i have a blood test tomorrow to check everything out and I'm seeing a movie tomorrow night. If its still raining, what am i to do with my days off beside doctor, books, movies, computer? At the moment i can't help but feel vulnerable and exposed. What i'm doing is really scary but bravery and courage shines through. At least, thats what i think.
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