There is nothing more wonderful, than what it feels like to be in the presence of such beauty, wisdom and grace.

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Journey of Life

Monday. I have midweek days off so for most of you it's your Friday. Me, my Monday. The suns out which makes me feel alot better about the day already. It's windy and going to be so cold in the water, but I can't complain really... I'll be with dolphins, seals and rays. Still cold!

Alright, so clearly I was intending on publishing a blog before work this morning, then i received a phone call to say my co-worker has gone home sick - start normal time but only 3 staff. Usually we do need 4 but what a good day it turned out to be minus the random 2min downpour before the seal program - then complete sunshine. As lame as it sounds, it reminded me of the journey of life.

Our life takes us down many roads and within us is the capacity to express love, show compassion, share a magic moment and make a difference. True. But we also need to laugh at ourselves often, smile at a stranger, know that its okay to have a messy room and a messy house for that matter. We just need to live our lives the way we want to. When i'm old, i want to look back and be able to say yes there were alot of up and downs. I broke peoples hearts. My heart was broken. I lost friends, made new friends, had an enriching career. But most of all, I want to say i had fun along the way.

Its funny, you reflect back on things in your life that, at the time, were completely stressful, confusing and you just didn't get it. Now? i look back and laugh at how trivial matters became your worst nightmare for a day or two. Its like Forrest Gumps momma used to say - "lifes like a box of chocolates, you just never know which one your gonna get." Aint that the truth!

You know i realised something tonight. The more i live i realise the impact attitude has on your life. Attitude is more important than facts. More important than appearances, the past and the list goes on. In fact, 'Attitude' makes or breaks company. I make excuses alot of the time to why i don't do something, why i start something and then stop ect ect and im constantly reminded im doing this by my best friend. Its true what they say about your best friends...they know too much to let them go! If i had a positive, decent outlook on things and didn't give up at the first few signs of failure when something doesn't quite go to plan. I would never know where i would be today. Now i make a stand. If things suck, accept they suck. Harden up as they say. Live with it. My life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% the way i react to it. The same goes to you. We are in charge of our attitudes and today im going to be more in charge of mine. Heres to my first goal of the new financial year! Attitude!

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